Mipa Säwäsultsyìp! A New Contest!

Kaltxì nìmun, ma smuk.

I hope everyone is managing as well as can be expected during these difficult times.

I have three things to mention to you today:

First and foremost, we’re having another Na’vi writing contest! As with past contests, this new one is organized not by me but by members of the lì’fyaolo’ and will be judged by them as well. As before, I’ll be delighted to publish the winning entries here on the blog.

Here are the rules and details from our tsmuke alu Alyara:

We would like to announce the start of this year’s Na’vi Writing Contest!
The rules are simple:

  1. All submissions must be original works and completely in the Na’vi language.
  2. Your submission may be in the form of an essay (limit: 1,000 words), a short story (limit: 1,500 words), or poetry (limit: 500 words).
  3. You have your choice of two themes: either (1) the more specific topic of the myths, tales, and legends of the Na’vi people; or (2) the broader subject of friendship, and what it means to you. (Please note: Lightstorm has asked us to refrain from speculative writing about any future events that might be addressed in the upcoming films.)
  4. Please categorize yourself as a beginner or intermediate/advanced learner, since we will be judging submissions at these levels separately.
  5. All works will be assigned random numbers by a third party before blind judging.
  6. Only one submission per author, please.
  7. Prizes awarded may vary depending on participation.
  8. All entries must be received by Friday, April 17th.
  9. Email your submissions as attachments to:
    zlepperburgart (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Furia inan ayngeyä aysängopit leNa’vi, oe srefereiey nìprrte’!

Second, let me post the Na’vi text and English translation for the listening exercise in the previous post:

Na’vi text:

Ma eylan ayawne, kaltxì.

Sìlpey oe, ayngaru livu fpom nìwotx. Tsyanur sì oeru leiu fpom sì fra’u a kin.

Kezemplltxe, talun tìvirä fìsäspxinä alu koronavirusì, lolatängem kifkey, lolatängem tìrey. Ulte zusawkrrìri txopu si tute apxay. Kxawm set ’u angäzìk frato lu la’a ayll. Zene awnga ro helku ’ivì’awn. Ke tsun wrrkivä fte tìkangkem sivi. Ke tsun mäpiveyam fìtsap.

Ha new oe ayngaru pivlltxe san Siva ko! Fìsäspxinìl ke txayung awngey sìreyti tì’i’avay krrä. Aysìngäzìk lefkrr ’ayìp, srayer nìmun tìrey letrrtrr.

Tsakrrvay, ma smuk, rutxe livek aysänumet sì horenit amip. ’Ì’awn ro helku pxìm txantxewvay. Yur mesyokxit alo apxay krrka trr. Ftu sute alahe fmi neto rivikx nì’it. Ulte txo smivon ngar ayhoaktu, ftxey soaiamì ftxey sko eylan, foti palang fte tsivun ivomum teyngta ftxey lu foru fpom fuke.

Fmal tìkxuket, ma eylan, ulte var livu lefpomtoxk.

Eywa awngahu nìwotx.

English translation:

Hello, dear friends. I hope you’re well. John and I are fine and have everything we need.

Needless to say, due to the coronavirus, the world has changed, life has changed. And many people fear for the future. Perhaps the most difficult thing of all right now is the social distancing. We have to stay at home. We can’t go out to work. We can’t hug each other.

So I want to say to all of you: Courage! This disease will not disrupt our lives forever. The current difficulties will vanish, ordinary life will appear again.

In the meantime, brothers and sisters, please follow the new guidelines and rules. Stay home as often as possible. Wash your hands many times a day. Keep back a bit from other people. And if you know older folks, whether in your family or as friends, contact them to find out if they’re well.

Stay safe, friends, and stay healthy.

May Eywa be with us all.

And lastly, tstunkem si oer rutxe, ma eylan.

tstunkem (n., TSTUN.kem) ‘favor, act of kindness’

This word is derived from tstunwi ‘kind’ + kem ‘action, deed.’ Although written tstunkem, it’s usually pronounced tstungkem.

tstunkem si (vin.) ‘do a favor’

tstunkemtsyìp (n., TSTUN.kem.tsyìp) ‘little favor’

Tstunkem si oer rutxe.
‘Please do me a favor.’

Tung oer futa vin tstunkemit ngata.
’Let me ask you a favor.’

Some months ago I asked for submissions of material for listening exercises, and a few of you were kind enough to answer the call and send me some fine work. Unfortunately, due to circumstances at the time, I didn’t follow through with posting these submissions, for which I apologize. But I’d like to begin doing that now. Ha tung oer futa vin tstunkemit ayngata. If you still have the emails you originally sent me, which I hope you do, could you please resend them along with the attachments? I’d really appreciate it. As I think you all know: frommer (AT) marshall (DOT) usc (DOT) edu  Irayo nìtxan.

Stay safe and healthy, everyone.


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7 Responses to Mipa Säwäsultsyìp! A New Contest!

  1. Plumps (sgm) says:

    Txantsana fmawn nìngay.

    Inan mipa famrelti leNa’vi a fì’uri oe srefereiey nìprrte’ nìteng!

    Ätxäleri ngeyä a tstunkemteri oel pamrelti fpìsye’ nìmun.

    Var livu lefpomtokx, ma Karyu.

  2. Vawmataw says:

    Etrìpa syayvi suteru a wäsayul! Furia inan pamrelit ayngeyä srefereiey nìprrte’!

    (‘Upxareri kolan mesyokxit srak? :))

  3. Mako says:

    Ke lamu fìsäwäsultsyìp txankrr! So’ha nìtxan. Ke tsun pivey vaykrr ivinan fayfamrelit amip. Etrìpa syayvi ayfamrelsiyur!

  4. Wind12 says:

    Kaltxì ma karyu! Oe irayo seri ngaru na frakrr 🙂 sìlpey tsnì ye’rìn ayoengìl livätxayn koronavirusìt. Tsakrr frapo tsun ftxozä sivi nìwotx.

  5. Katie says:

    aw eylan ip

    ango ong am’a ayu

    eyk eyawrfya, emrey

    fa eywa

    fpom fe’pey

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